Christian Education
Bible Study
This clergy-led class meets weekly (when in session) to study the Old and New Testaments. Different from a prayer-based approach, instruction centers around theological, literary, academic, historical, and linguistic topics.
Sunday Forum
This is the general hub of adult education at Emmanuel. Clergy and guest speakers offer lectures on topics of interest and value to parishioners and visitors. When in session, Forum takes place an hour before Sunday Worship.
Sunday School
Vital for the faith development of children, Emmanuel’s Sunday School takes place for about 30 minutes each Sunday after Holy Eucharist. Children study Scripture, learn Christian symbols and vocabulary, and the traditions of the Episcopal Church. Most importantly, they learn about Jesus.
Ritual Preparation
These classes prepare candidates for Rites of Initiation and other Sacramental Rites, such as Baptism, Confirmation, and Reception in the Episcopal Church. Volunteers and Clergy teach lessons in Church history, Episcopal identity, spirituality, and more.
Marriage Preparation
Engaged couples meet with Clergy to walk through the time of preparation for Christian marriage. A curriculum is provided, and engaged couples meet with married couples for small group discussions.
Parish Library
The Ann Catherine Cross Library is curated to include books of new thought and tested wisdom, including those of personal growth and theology, as well as ecumenical and interfaith works. The library also has a “take a book, leave a book” shelf, for parishioners to share what they’ve been reading with one another.