Outreach Committee
This committee is peopled by those motivated to confront injustice head on and address the needs within our community. Members are always on the lookout for new projects great and small, and work diligently to make a felt difference. In addition to the many local organizations with which this committee partners and supports, and the many individuals and families who receive assistance (the dignity and privacy of whom we must protect), we also show support in the following ways:
Community Garden
This 12-plot community garden operates in Emmanuel’s field. Gardeners lease 4’x12’ plots for a nominal annual fee. A portion of the fresh vegetables they grow is donated to Underground Kitchen’s Community First project, LAMB’s Basket, and others. The money raised by the garden goes to the Special Outreach fund.
Epiphany Gifts
During Advent, we set up a tree in the back of the church to display tags expressing the needs of an organization serving children in our community. The gifts are purchased, wrapped and returned to Emmanuel to be blessed on the feast of the Epiphany, and presented to representatives of the chosen partner organization.
Grief & Loss Group
This group of folks meets bi-monthly to share their stories and experiences. Meetings are informal and focus on mutual support.
Pat's Pantry
Named in memory of Pat Cully, a decades-long member of Outreach who led Emmanuel’s food donation ministry, this food pantry is a continual ministry to provide essential nutrition and items for daily living to those in need. Suggested donation items are peanut butter, canned tuna, canned vegetables, canned fruits, hygiene items, paper products, or financial donations. Donations of goods may be made on Sunday morning in the basket placed at the church entrance, or at any time by dropping items off at the parish house.
Little Free Library
Emmanuel’s library box (set up at the corner of the playground) is regularly stocked with new and gently worn books for all ages, following a “take a book, leave a book” philosophy.
Pastoral Care Committee
Sometimes we are cared for, and sometimes we care for others. This committee reaches out to those in need of some company, a listening ear, a pleasant visit, a prayer of hope, or whatever the need may be. Those who serve on this important committee share the responsibility of the “cure of souls” with the clergy of the parish, sending cards and notes, visiting the sick and shut-ins, and providing meals.
Eucharistic Visitors
This team of lay people have been authorized to take Holy Communion to members of the congregation who, due to illness or infirmity, were unable to be present at church.