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Holy Eucharist

What to Expect at Holy Eucharist


Music at Emmanuel is made up of traditional anthems, hymns and spirituals, Anglican chant and plainsong. The music we sing comes from the hymnal and its supplements. Music is an incredibly important part of worship. Our parish has a long list of favorite hymns, and loves singing along with our pipe organ. The Emmanuel Choir sings anthems and leads the  hymns.


Our worship is both ancient and new. We gather, sing a song of praise or penitence, hear the Word of God, hear a sermon, pray for the Church and world, share in the Holy Eucharist, and go forth to bring God’s blessing to the world. The tone of our worship changes throughout the year. We are meditative during Advent, merry during the 12 Days of Christmas, penitent during Lent, and joyful throughout the 50 Days of Easter. These seasons are marked by shifting sights and sounds, to fully engage bodies, hearts and minds in the worship of God.


Our priest delivers down-to-earth sermons every Sunday that move the heart and engage the intellect. Above all, they connect the Holy Scriptures to today’s world, and help us to understand the world of the Biblical authors. 


What to Expect at Morning Prayer

"Lord, open our lips..."

Morning Prayer is an informal service that takes place seated in the couches and chairs of the Lawrence Room, and takes about thirty minutes. We celebrate morning prayer together every Wednesday at 9 AM.

Church Candles

What to Expect at Evening Prayer

"Seek him who made the Pleiades and Orion..."

Once a month, we celebrate our Major Feasts with a special candlelight service of Evening Prayer. These contemplative services feature the beautiful music of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, ancient hymns from the Gospel according to St. Luke. The feasts we celebrate include the Annunciation, Sts. Peter and Paul, St. Michael and All Angels, and more. Each of these services end with a pot luck supper in the Parish Hall. Check the Calendar for dates.

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