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Planned Giving

Planned gifts usually require more planning by an individual than annual or capital campaign gifts but their effect can be far more reaching in that they can help the church in perpetuity. It may be the largest gift one makes to the Church – a once-in-a-lifetime gift. A planned gift is the ultimate form of Christian witness and one demonstrating our affection and concern for St. George’s over many years.

Once they are received, Planned Gifts are generally invested in one of our funds and eventually used to do the work God has called us to do. These gifts are typically made through bequests in wills, life income gifts and even donating appreciated assets, such as real estate or stocks. They can be both unrestricted for general use in the church or restricted for a specific purpose. The good news is that we have the investment vehicles today to support Planned Giving.

Just one Planning Giving story – In December, 2005, the Church received a large gift from the Estelle Arnold Estate that was added to our General Endowment Fund and invested in an account with the Diocese of Virginia’s Trustees of the Funds. Distributions from this investment account in the years since have helped provide bell tables and chairs for music, startup funds for the Preschool, donations for Our Little Roses and the Rappahannock Council Against Sexual Assault, repairs for stained windows and to the St. George’s wall as well as contributions to the Nave Renovation and Kitchen Renovation.

Learn more about planned giving through a recent Adult Forum session: Giving Money to Save Money


Questions? – please contact Ben Hicks (540-373-4133) or Ralph Powell (540-368-5777) . Also, we could use some help with this ministry. If you would like to serve in Planned Giving, please also contact us. Thanks.

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